To'onïk Qawinaq:

Dedicated Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

We promote the effective participation of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in Guatemala in the Forest Investment Fund (FIP) through the development and implementation of the Dedicated Mechanism Specific for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (MDE).

The mechanism is co-led by the National Alliance of Community Forest Organisations of Guatemala (ANOFCG), the Indigenous Roundtable on Climate Change of Guatemala (MICCG) and the National Network of Communities Beneficiarias del PINPEP, which make up the National Board of Directors (CDN).

This initiative is financed by the World Bank and seeks to strengthen the capacity of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to manage the benefits obtained from their role in the sustainable management of forests and natural resources.

The project also benefits Indigenous Peoples and local communities that actively participate in forest management and are part of the three national networks that represent them on issues related to forest resources, REDD+ and climate change.

Comments and requests
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