2017 – 2020

We participated in the consortium to contribute to the establishment and support of a Sustainable Economic Observatory, which included the development of a plan for sustainability beyond the five-year project implementation period to ensure that it will continue beyond the end of the project.


  • Participatory construction of strategic guidelines to enable a social audit in the implementation of policies, laws, institutional agendas, programs and plans of INAB, CONAP, MARN and MAGA around rural development, food security, agriculture, environment and natural resources
  • Identification of citizen platforms and indigenous organizations networks that could make up the social audit group
  • Review, analysis and drafting of proposals on the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples in laws, institutional agendas, public policies, plans, environment and natural resources programs, food security and agricultural development, as well as INAB, CONAP, MARN and MAGA budgets
  • Publication of pedagogically mediated and culturally contextualized information
  • Drafting of informative bulletins directed to the indigenous population, civil society and relevant State entities
  • Processes to strengthen indigenous organizations on consultation mechanisms and co-responsibility agreements between the State and the population
  • Dialogues/meetings with Indigenous Peoples and public officials to exchange proposals on inclusion and investment for Indigenous Peoples
  • Forum on the Sustainable Economic Observatory; participation of civil society and Indigenous Peoples in the mechanisms of concertation and co-responsibility agreements between the State and the population